Gunpatti Yatra

Yatra (travel) has been a common thread in my life. I was raised on three continents and three different cultures. This piece is awash with colors that connect me closely to my “Indian” side. I combined the colors and segments into a visual tapestry visually to show how my parents’ teachings harmonized the different experiences and learnings on my journey.

The piece transitions from Kenya to India with the center representing my mother, Ganpatti and myself. Ganpatti signifies the spirituality and the life changes that occurred as I grew and matured. A Gujarati Lady’s “chandlo” (the red mark on the forehead) has a huge significance in who she is. Any mark on a forehead made with powders such as “kumkum”, signifies the relationship of the truth (or soul) and its connection to the person. My mother’s bond with my father, her most complete “bandhan” (to tie) never leaves her. Her “chandlo” (third eye/mark on forehead) signifies my father, his partnership in raising me and helping me develop and transition through life. The people around me are segmented into areas by the seven emblems. These represent the importance of each group and of God, the beginning and the end.

This piece is composed on a cotton sari from Ahmedabad’s markets, with acrylics and embellished with antique emblems from pieces I collected on her visits to the bazaars of Gujarat.